@@ -5,38 +5,38 @@
********************************************************************************************************************* */
import { ValidatorFn, AsyncValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms';
-import { ValueTransformer } from './../components/fields/dropdown-modified-input/dropdown-modified-input.component';
+import { ValueTransformer } from './../interfaces';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types & Interfaces
-type Option = {
- label: string,
- value: string
+interface Option {
+ label: string;
+ value: string;
interface BasicFieldMetaData {
- name: string // The FormControl name
- origin?: string // Location in API-returned model - defaults to name
- type?: string // The component type e.g. BasicInput, Checkbutton, Timepicker, etc
- label?: string // The field label - defaults to unCamelCased name if not supplied
- value?: string // The field value - defaults to empty string if not supplied
- placeholder?: string // Optional placeholder text
- class?: string | Array<string> // CSS classes to apply
- id?: string // CSS id to apply
- isDisabled?: boolean // Whether field is initially disabled
- validators?: Array<ValidatorFn> // Array of validator functions - following Angular FormControl API
- asyncValidators?: Array<AsyncValidatorFn> // Array of async validator functions - following Angular FormControl API
- valFailureMsgs?: StringMap // Validation failure messages - display appropriate message if validation fails
+ name: string; // The FormControl name
+ origin?: string; // Location in API-returned model - defaults to name
+ type?: string; // The component type e.g. BasicInput, Checkbutton, Timepicker, etc
+ label?: string; // The field label - defaults to unCamelCased name if not supplied
+ value?: string; // The field value - defaults to empty string if not supplied
+ placeholder?: string; // Optional placeholder text
+ class?: string | Array<string>; // CSS classes to apply
+ id?: string; // CSS id to apply
+ isDisabled?: boolean; // Whether field is initially disabled
+ validators?: Array<ValidatorFn>; // Array of validator functions - following Angular FormControl API
+ asyncValidators?: Array<AsyncValidatorFn>; // Array of async validator functions - following Angular FormControl API
+ valFailureMsgs?: StringMap; // Validation failure messages - display appropriate message if validation fails
interface OptionsFieldMetaData extends BasicFieldMetaData {
- options: Option[] // Array of Options - for select, radio-button-group and other 'multiple-choice' types
+ options: Option[]; // Array of Options - for select, radio-button-group and other 'multiple-choice' types
interface DropdownModifiedInputFieldMetaData extends BasicFieldMetaData {
- modifiers: string[]
- transform: ValueTransformer
+ modifiers: string[];
+ transform: ValueTransformer;
interface TimePickerFieldMetaData extends BasicFieldMetaData {
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ for (field in model) {
Object.assign(modeledMeta, new BasicField(field)); // Defaults to basic text field
(2) Apprach 2: Meta-data fully specified (not lazily-generated), so loop through metadata genetating field models.
metaspec may be hard-coded (for now) or loaded from server and cached, as part of app boostraping