@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
namespace Bolt\Extension\Ginger\Squarepay;
+use Bolt\Extension\Ginger\Squarepay\Api;
+use Bolt\Extension\Ginger\Squarepay\Twig;
use Bolt\Extension\SimpleExtension;
use Bolt\Menu\MenuEntry;
use Silex\Application;
use Silex\ControllerCollection;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
@@ -16,61 +20,89 @@ use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class SquarepayExtension extends SimpleExtension
- protected function registerAssets() {
- // $config = $this->getConfig();
+ private $apiClient = null;
+ protected function registerServices(Application $app)
+ {
+ $app['square.apiClient'] = $app->share(function($app) {
+ // Create and configure a new Square API client using the OAuth token
+ $manager = $app['filesystem'];
+ if (!$manager->hasFilesystem('extensions_config')) {
+ throw new Exception('Could not find filesystem extensions_config');
+ }
+ $filesystem = $manager->getFilesystem('extensions_config');
+ $path = '.sqoatoken';
+ $file = $filesystem->getFile($path);
+ if (!$file->exists($path)) {
+ throw new Exception('Could not find '.$path);
+ }
+ $oauthToken = $file->read($path);
+ $apiConfig = new \SquareConnect\Configuration();
+ $apiConfig->setAccessToken($oauthToken);
+ $apiClient = new \SquareConnect\ApiClient($apiConfig);
+ return new \SquareConnect\ApiClient($apiConfig);
+ });
+ $app['twig.runtime.square'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
+ return new Twig\SquareTwigRuntime($app['square.apiClient']);
+ });
+ $app['twig.runtimes'] = $app->extend(
+ 'twig.runtimes',
+ function (array $runtimes) {
+ // You must append your array to the passed in $runtimes array and return it
+ return $runtimes + [
+ Twig\SquareTwigRuntime::class => 'twig.runtime.square',
+ ];
+ }
+ );
protected function registerFrontendRoutes(ControllerCollection $collection)
- $collection->match('/checkout', [$this, 'checkoutPaymentForm']);
+ $collection->match('/process-square', [$this, 'processSquarePaymentResponse']);
- protected function registerBackendRoutes(ControllerCollection $collection)
- {
- $collection->match('/extensions/square-authorisation', [$this, 'squareAuthorisation']);
- $collection->match('/extensions/square-authorisation-result', [$this, 'squareAuthorisationHandleResult']);
- }
protected function registerBackendControllers()
return [
- '/extensions/square' => new Controller\SquareController()
+ '/extensions/square' => new Controller\SquareBackendController($this->getConfig())
protected function registerMenuEntries()
- $menu = MenuEntry::create('square-menu', 'square')
- ->setLabel('Square Payments')
- ->setIcon('fa:credit-card-alt')
- ->setPermission('settings')
- // ->setRoute('square')
+ $menu = MenuEntry::create('square-menu', 'square')
+ ->setLabel('Square')
+ ->setIcon('fa:credit-card')
+ ->setPermission('settings')
+ // ->setRoute('SquarepayExtension')
+ return [$menu];
+ }
- return [
- $menu
+ protected function registerTwigPaths()
+ {
+ // Register Twig namespace to use in controllers
+ return [
+ 'templates/backend' => ['namespace' => 'Squareback'],
+ 'templates/frontend' => ['namespace' => 'Squarefront']
- }
+ }
protected function registerTwigFunctions() {
+ $getCatalog = [Twig\SquareTwigRuntime::class, 'getCatalog'];
+ $displayCCForm = [Twig\SquareTwigRuntime::class, 'displayCCForm'];
return [
- 'waggawoo' => ['waggawooFunction', ['is_safe' => ['html']]]
+ 'getcatalog' => [ $getCatalog ],
+ 'ccform' => [ $displayCCForm, ['is_safe' => ['html']] ]
- public function waggawooFunction() {
- return '<h1>WAGGA WAGGA WOO!</h1>';
+ public function processSquarePaymentResponse() {
+ // TODO
- function checkoutPaymentForm() {
- return new Response('Display Payment Form', Response::HTTP_OK);
- }
- function squareAuthorisation() {
- return new Response('Square Authorisation', Response::HTTP_OK);
- }
- function squareAuthorisationHandleResult() {
- return new Response('Square Authorisation Result', Response::HTTP_OK);
- }