@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+Model mapping class, exposing six public methods
+forwardMap(model, mapping?)
+lazyForwardMap(model, mapping?)
+reverseMap(model, mapping?)
+lazyReversMap(model, mapping?)
+Given the function 'isEven',
+and the following model and mapping:
+const isEven = v => { return { value: v, isEven: !(v % 2) } }
+const model = {
+ a: 555,
+ b: 777,
+ c: { r: 1000, s: 2000, t: 3000, lazy: "everybody's lazy" },
+ d: 22,
+ e: 33,
+ f: 2,
+ g: 3,
+ h: 100000,
+ i: 1,
+ y: { 'name' : 'lost in action' },
+ z: 'hello'
+const mapping = {
+ a: 'b.c',
+ b: 'e.f.g',
+ c: {
+ r: 'r',
+ s: 's',
+ t: 't.u'
+ },
+ d: [ v => v * 2, v => v / 2 ],
+ e: [ 'b.e', v => v * 3, v => v / 3 ],
+ f: [ isEven, v => v.value ],
+ g: [ isEven, v => v.value ],
+ h: [ 'y.hhh', isEven, v => v.value ],
+ i: v => ['y.iii', isEven(v)] // Deliberately malformed mapping
+(1) forwardMap gives:
+{ b: { c: 555, e: 99 },
+ e: { f: { g: 777 } },
+ r: 1000,
+ s: 2000,
+ t: { u: 3000 },
+ d: 44,
+ f: { value: 2, isEven: true },
+ g: { value: 3, isEven: false },
+ y: { hhh: { value: 100000, isEven: true } },
+ i: 'MAPPING ERROR: Unknown mapping type in mapping at i' }
+(2) lazyForwardMap (which also copies properties not explicitly specified in the mapping) gives:
+{ b: { c: 555, e: 99 },
+ e: { f: { g: 777 } },
+ r: 1000,
+ s: 2000,
+ t: { u: 3000 },
+ c: { lazy: 'everybody\'s lazy' },
+ d: 44,
+ f: { value: 2, isEven: true },
+ g: { value: 3, isEven: false },
+ y: { hhh: { value: 100000, isEven: true }, name: 'lost in action' },
+ i: 'MAPPING ERROR: Unknown mapping type in mapping at i',
+ z: 'hello' }
+(3) reverseMap (on either of the forwardMap results) regenerates the explicitly mapped parts of the original model:
+{ a: 555,
+ b: 777,
+ c: { r: 1000, s: 2000, t: 3000 },
+ d: 22,
+ e: 33,
+ f: 2,
+ g: 3,
+ h: 100000 }
+(4) lazyReverseMap also copies additional properties, if it can
+ (it will merge objects without overwriting exissting properties, and won't overwrite scalar properties)
+{ a: 555,
+ b: 777,
+ c: { r: 1000, s: 2000, t: 3000, lazy: 'everybody\'s lazy' },
+ d: 22,
+ e: 33,
+ f: 2,
+ g: 3,
+ h: 100000,
+ y: { hhh: { value: 100000, isEven: true }, name: 'lost in action' },
+ i: 'MAPPING ERROR: Unknown mapping type in mapping at i',
+ z: 'hello' }
+import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+export class ModelMapperService {
+ mapping: StringMap;
+ errors: string[] = [];
+ constructor() { }
+ public setMapping(mapping: StringMap) {
+ this.mapping = mapping;
+ }
+ public forwardMap = (model: StringMap, mapping: StringMap = this.mapping, mapMissing = false, res = {}, stack = []): StringMap => {
+ Object.keys(model).forEach(key => {
+ let mappingPath = _.get(mapping, key, mapMissing ? [...stack, key].join('.') : false);
+ if (mappingPath) {
+ let mappingType = this.resolveMappingType(mappingPath);
+ switch(mappingType) {
+ case 'simple':
+ this.deepSet(res, mappingPath, model[key]);
+ break;
+ case 'nested':
+ this.forwardMap(model[key], mappingPath, mapMissing, res, [...stack, key]);
+ break;
+ case 'functional':
+ try {
+ let result = mappingPath.find(m => typeof m === 'function')(model[key]);
+ key = mappingPath.length === 3 ? mappingPath[0] : key;
+ this.deepSet(res, key, result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.errors.push('Error in mapping function at', mappingPath, ':::', e.message);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.deepSet(res, key, `MAPPING ERROR: Unknown mapping type in mapping at ${key}`);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ public lazyForwardMap = (model: StringMap, mapping: StringMap = this.mapping): StringMap => this.forwardMap(model, mapping, true);
+ public reverseMap = (model: StringMap, mapping: StringMap = this.mapping, mapMissing = false, pathsToDelete = [], stack = []): StringMap => {
+ // pathToDelete contains a list of source paths to delete from the model, leaving the missing to be straight-mapped
+ let res = {};
+ let modelClone = stack.length ? model : _.cloneDeep(model); // Clone the model unless inside a recursive call
+ Object.keys(mapping).forEach(key => {
+ let mappingType = this.resolveMappingType(mapping[key]);
+ let destinationPath = mapping[key];
+ let value;
+ switch(mappingType) {
+ case 'simple':
+ value = _.get(modelClone, mapping[key]);
+ if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
+ this.deepSet(res, key, value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'nested':
+ value = this.reverseMap(modelClone, mapping[key], mapMissing, pathsToDelete, [...stack, key]);
+ if (Object.keys(value).length) {
+ this.deepSet(res, key, value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'functional':
+ if (typeof mapping[key][0] === 'string') {
+ destinationPath = mapping[key][0];
+ } else {
+ destinationPath = key;
+ }
+ let arg = _.get(modelClone, destinationPath);
+ if (typeof arg !== 'undefined') {
+ let func = _.findLast(mapping[key], m => typeof m === 'function');
+ try {
+ value = func(arg);
+ this.deepSet(res, key, value);
+ } catch(e) {
+ this.errors.push('Error in mapping function at', key, ':::', e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.errors.push(`MAPPING ERROR: Unknown mapping type in mapping at ${key}`);
+ }
+ if (mappingType && mappingType !== 'nested') {
+ pathsToDelete.push(destinationPath);
+ }
+ });
+ if (mapMissing && !stack.length) {
+ // Delete the paths we have already reverse mapped (if scalar value - not objects), to leave the rest
+ // Sort pathsToDelete by depth, shallowest to deepest
+ const deepestPathsLast = this.sortByPathDepth(pathsToDelete);
+ while(deepestPathsLast.length) {
+ const path = deepestPathsLast.pop();
+ const t = typeof _.get(modelClone, path);
+ if (t === 'number' || t === 'string' || t === 'boolean') {
+ _.unset(modelClone, path);
+ }
+ }
+ const modelRemainder = this.deepCleanse(modelClone);
+ Object.keys(modelRemainder).forEach(key => {
+ this.deepSetIfEmpty(res, key, modelRemainder[key]);
+ })
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public lazyReverseMap = (model: StringMap, mapping: StringMap = this.mapping): StringMap => this.reverseMap(model, mapping, true);
+ public getErrors() {
+ return this.errors;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private resolveMappingType = mappingPath => {
+ let mappingType;
+ let t = typeof mappingPath;
+ if (t === 'number' || t === 'string') { // CHECK WHAT HAPPENS with number types
+ mappingType = 'simple';
+ } else if (t === 'object') {
+ if (
+ Array.isArray(mappingPath)
+ && mappingPath.length === 2
+ && _.every(mappingPath, m => typeof m === 'function')
+ ||
+ Array.isArray(mappingPath)
+ && mappingPath.length === 3
+ && (typeof mappingPath[0] === 'number' || typeof mappingPath[0] === 'string')
+ && _.every(mappingPath.slice(1), m => typeof m === 'function')
+ ) {
+ mappingType = 'functional';
+ } else {
+ mappingType = 'nested';
+ }
+ }
+ return mappingType;
+ }
+ private deepSet = (obj, mappingPath, valueToSet, overwrite = true) => {
+ // NOTE: This mutates the incoming object at the moment, so doesn't reed to return a value
+ // Maybe rewrite with a more functional approach?
+ // Will deep merge where possible
+ let currentVal = _.get(obj, mappingPath);
+ let t = typeof currentVal;
+ if (t === 'undefined') {
+ _.set(obj, mappingPath, valueToSet);
+ } else if (t === 'number' || t === 'string' || t === 'boolean') {
+ // We can only overwrite existing scalar values, not deep merge
+ if (overwrite) {
+ this.errors.push('WARNING: Overwriting scalar value at', mappingPath);
+ _.set(obj, mappingPath, valueToSet);
+ } else {
+ this.errors.push('WARNING: Discarding scalar value at', mappingPath, 'as exisiting vale would be overwritten');
+ }
+ } else if (t === 'object' && typeof valueToSet === 'object') {
+ // Deep merge
+ let merged = _.merge(currentVal, valueToSet);
+ if (!overwrite) {
+ merged = _.merge(merged, currentVal); // Is there a better way?
+ }
+ _.set(obj, mappingPath, merged);
+ } else {
+ this.errors.push('WARNING: Could not merge', typeof valueToSet, 'with object')
+ }
+ }
+ private deepSetIfEmpty = (obj, mappingPath, valueToSet) => this.deepSet(obj, mappingPath, valueToSet, false);
+ private deepCleanse = obj => {
+ let cleansedObj = Object.keys(obj)
+ .filter(k => obj[k] !== null && obj[k] !== undefined) // Remove undefined and null
+ .reduce((newObj, k) => {
+ typeof obj[k] === 'object' ?
+ Object.assign(newObj, { [k]: this.deepCleanse(obj[k]) }) : // Recurse if value is non-empty object
+ Object.assign(newObj, { [k]: obj[k] }) // Copy value
+ return newObj;
+ }, {});
+ Object.keys(cleansedObj).forEach(k => {
+ if (typeof cleansedObj[k] === 'object' && !Object.keys(cleansedObj[k]).length) {
+ delete cleansedObj[k];
+ }
+ });
+ return cleansedObj;
+ }
+ private sortByPathDepth = pathArr => _.sortBy(pathArr, p => p.split('.').length);
+ private clearErrors() {
+ this.errors = [];
+ }