@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* metaF = metadata for Field
* metaG = metadata for Group (possibly nested)
* metaFoG = metadata for Field or Group
+ * rcMem = Repeating Container member
@@ -42,11 +43,6 @@ const keyValPairToMetaRecursive = ( [key, val] ) => {
return [key, metaVal];
-const arrayMemberAutoName = (val, i) => {
- isScalar(val) ? val : val.__typename || val.constructor.name;
const arrayToMeta = array => array.map((val, i) => {
if (isScalar(val)) {
return { name: `item${i + 1}`, 'value' : val };
@@ -137,6 +133,9 @@ const buildFieldClassName = (t = 'text') => {
const buildModeledField = metaFoG => {
const type = isContainer(metaFoG) ? (isRepeatingContainer(metaFoG) ? 'repeatingContainer' : 'container') : metaFoG.type;
+ // console.log('-----------------');
+ // console.log(metaFoG);
+ // console.log(type);
const className = buildFieldClassName(type);
if (!fmdModels[className]) {
throw new Error(`No metadata model "${className}" for type "${type}"`);
@@ -153,9 +152,11 @@ const buildModeledFieldGroupMember = metaFoG => {
return modeledGroupMember;
-// Build Form Group
+// Build Form Group ********* CONTINUE WORK HERE
const buildModeledFieldGroupReducerIteree = (res, metaFoG) => ({ ...res, [metaFoG.name]: buildModeledFieldGroupMember(metaFoG) });
-const _buildFieldSpecificMeta = metaG => reduce(buildModeledFieldGroupReducerIteree, {}, metaG);
+const _buildFieldSpecificMeta = metaG => Array.isArray(metaG) ?
+ metaG.map(rcMem => _buildFieldSpecificMeta(rcMem)) :
+ reduce(buildModeledFieldGroupReducerIteree, {}, metaG);
const buildFieldSpecificMeta = metaG => _buildFieldSpecificMeta(addMissingNames(metaG));
@@ -456,9 +457,14 @@ const isContainer = (metaFoG): boolean => isGroup(metaFoG) && (!metaFoG.type ||
// Helper function to distinguish a repeating container group (a group of child fields that can be repeated 1...N times)
const isRepeatingContainer = (metaFoG): boolean => Array.isArray(metaFoG.meta);
+// Is Repeating Container Member
+// It looks like one if it has neither a value or meta
+const isRepeatingContainerMember = (possibleRcMem): boolean => possibleRcMem.value === undefined && possibleRcMem.meta === undefined;
// Add Missing Names
// Helper function to add any missing 'name' properties to Fields and Groups using property's key, recursively
-const addNameIfMissing = (metaFoG, key) => metaFoG.name ? metaFoG : addProp(metaFoG, 'name', key);
+// BUT not to repeatingContainer members
+const addNameIfMissing = (metaFoG, key) => metaFoG.name || isRepeatingContainerMember(metaFoG) ? metaFoG : addProp(metaFoG, 'name', key);
const addNameToSelfAndChildren = ( [key, metaFoG] ) => {
metaFoG = addNameIfMissing(metaFoG, key);
if (isGroup(metaFoG)) {